Drain Tech Inc. offers sewer cleaning and drain cleaning services to the residents of Wetaskiwin. We have a wide range of equipment for any drain cleaning job. We undertake all sorts of sewer cleaning jobs. For more information on drain cleaning and other sewer lines, you can reach us here in Central Alberta. We have a team of experienced technicians who can operate a range of equipment that can clean any blockage in any sewer line, including the main line.
Please feel free to contact us any time of the day as we are available 24/7 for you. You can also reach us by filling out the form below.
Drain Tech Inc
4815 46 Ave
Wetaskiwin, AB, T9A 3C2
Wetaskiwin: 780-352-6899
Millet: 780-387-6699
Leduc: 780-986-2054
Email: comments@draintechinc.ca
Fax: 780-387-4245